Monday, 28 March 2011

Kings College University - Taster sessions

Ellen has reserved 5 places on the following courses at Kings College University, they run from 2-4pm, and provide the students with an insight into the particular subject area.

If you are interedted please email Ellen 

4TH MAY – HISTORY (suitable for pupils considering History or a related subject) 5 spaces

5TH MAY – ANATOMY AND HUMAN SCIENCES (suitable for pupils considering Neuroscience, Genetics, Biochemistry, Anatomy, Human Science, Biomedical Science, or a related subject) 5 spaces

10TH MAY – ANATOMY AND HUMAN SCIENCES (suitable for pupils considering Neuroscience, Genetics, Biochemistry, Anatomy, Human Science, Biomedical Science or a related subject)  5 spaces

11TH MAY – LAW (suitable for pupils considering Law or a related subject) 5 spaces

12TH MAY – AMERICAN STUDIES (suitable for pupils considering American Studies, Cultural Studies, English Literature, English Language and Communication or a related subject) 5 spaces

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